A three days training program on “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing and its Applications” was carried out at NESAC during May 1 –3, 2022. A total of 47 trainees from the Recorders Certificate Class Course Training, 2021-22 (Batch-1 Group-A) of Assam Survey and Settlement Training Centre (ASSTC), Government of Assam attended the training program. The program has been conducted following the MoU executed between NESAC and ASSTC, Government of Assam. The course was focused on understanding the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & GIS, components of UAV platforms, various remote sensors, flight planning for data acquisitions for various remote sensing applications and different data processing techniques for generation of valuable high resolution data products such as Orthomosaics, Digital Surface/Terrain Models, 3D Textured Models, etc. which can be used for various planning and R&D purposes. The participants were also given demonstration on end-to-end work flow: UAV operations, mission planning, data acquisition, data processing and data analysis.
Three days training program on UAV Remote Sensing for ASSTC, Assam

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