Prof. S. Laksmivarahan, Professor Emeritus, George Lynn Cross Research for School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, USA visited NESAC on 19th January 2023 and delivered a talk on “Confluence of Data Science and AI” at the Outreach facility of NESAC. In a very simple language, Prof. Varahan explained what Data Science is and how it has evolved. He also talked about how growth in Data Science will be propelled by advances in statistics, probability theory, applied mathematics, large scale inverse problems, numerical simulation, and domain specific knowledge. It was indeed a very interactive session, where more than 25 students were present and all were very much enthusiastic to listen to Prof Laksmivarahan. The program was coordinated by Dr. Rekha B Gogoi, Scientist-‘SF’, SASD, NESAC.
Prof. S. Laksmivarahan, University of Oklahoma, USA visits NESAC
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