NESAC, under its capacity-building and outreach program, conducted a two-week course on UAV Remote Sensing Technological Advances and Applications for the candidates who registered via NESAC online portal. A total of 18 candidates, including students and working professionals from various departments and colleges from different states, attended the course. The Geoinformatics and IT Division (GID) and the SATCOM and UAV Division (SUD) of NESAC jointly conducted the course. The inaugural program started with a welcome address by the Course Director, Shri Victor Saikhom, Dr. K.K. Sarma, Group Head, RSAD, NESAC, welcomed all the participants and delivered an overview of the course. The inaugural program was concluded with a vote of thanks offered by Shri Sanjay Pandit, Course Officer.
NESAC conducts two-week course on UAV RS Technological Advances and Applications
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