Shri Chanchal Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER), Govt. of India visited NESAC on 19th Nov, 2023, who was accompanied by Shri Tanung Jamon, Director, S&T, North Eastern Council (NEC), Shillong. He visited various facilities of NESAC and interacted with Scientists of the centre and took a stock of various projects and activities of the centre. Scientists of NESAC made demonstrations of various geoportals and dashboard systems such as NER-DRR portal, NeSDR portal, Project Monitoring dashboard etc. Secretary, MDoNER appreciated the excellent work being carried out by NESAC and suggested come up with new programs adopting advanced geospatial technology that are relevant to the growth and development of NE region. Dr. S.P. Aggarwal, Director, NESAC offered his gratitude to the Secretary, MDoNER for his maiden visit to NESAC and felicitated him on behalf of NESAC staff.
Secretary, Ministry of DoNER, Govt. of India visits NESAC
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