Shri Paban Kumar Borthakur, IAS, Chief Secretary of Assam taken review of SMART AXOM application on 12th December, 2023 in the Chief Secretary’s conference room. The meeting was attended by Shri Ravi Kota, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Political Dept and IC & Public Enterprises, Shri Avinash Joshi, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary (H&FW) Dept, Shri Gyanendra Dev Tripathi, IAS, CEO, ASDMA and other senior officials of Assam Government. NESAC made a presentation on the SMART AXOM application which is developed under the project “Integrated WebGIS Platform for Dissemination of Real time Early Warnings/Alerts and Enabling Analytics in Spatial Domain for Monitoring and Management of Disaster Events” sponsored by ASDMA. Dr Dibyajyoti Chutia, Head, GID & Principal Investigator of the project, Dr Rekha Bharali Gogoi, Focal Scientist, NER-DRR and Shri Nilay Nishant, Scientist-SE, GID attended the review meeting.
Review of SMART AXOM Application by the Chief Secretary of Assam
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