Dr S.P. Aggarwal, Director, NESAC attended as a Guest of Honour (in virtual mode) in the final validation meeting of Technical Assistance for review of the socio-economic risk of diseases, database development and planning for a decision Support System (DSS) to manage Transboundary Animal Diseases (TAD) on 9th November, 2021. The meeting was attended by the Senior FAO Representatives in India, Team of FOCUS including the Senior Veterinary Officers of Mizoram Government. Dr Aggarwal has mentioned the contribution of NESAC towards development of various important Governance applications for various Govt agencies in the region. During his speech, he further added that the development of DSS on TAD will be a unique experience for the NESAC Scientists to address animal disease outbreak-related disasters. IT & GeoInformatics Group of NESAC has also given a live demonstration on the prototype DSS developed for one district of Mizoram on TAD.
NESAC Director attends validation meeting as a Guest of Honour organized by FAO India at Aizawl
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