President, NESAC Society
Hon’ble Union Minister of Home, Govt. of India & Chairman, North Eastern Council, Shillong

Shri S. Somanath
Secretary, Department of Space and Chairman,
Space Commission/ISRO. Government of India.

Dr. S. P. Aggarwal
North Eastern Space Applications Centre
North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) was established as a joint initiative of Department of Space (DOS) and the North Eastern Council (NEC) and came into being on 5th of September, 2000. The Centre helps in augmenting the developmental process in the region by providing the advanced space technology support.
- Remote Sensing & GIS
- Atmospheric & Space
- Satellite & Communication
- Disaster Management
- Capacity Building

Advt. No: NESAC/RMT-TEMP/01/2023
Advertisement for the positions of Research Scientist, Research Associate, Junior Research Fellow and Project Associate
Advt. No: NESAC/ADMN/03(Vol.XIII)/2023
Advertisement for the position of Authorized Medical Officer (AMO) cum Resident Medical Consultant (General) on contract basis at NESAC, Umiam
Advt. No: NESAC/RMT-TEMP/03/2022
Recruitment for Positions of Project Associate-I through Walk-in-Interview at NESAC
Provisional List of selected candidates
Advt. No: NESAC/RMT-TEMP/02/2022
Advertisement for the positions of Research Scientist and Junior Research Fellow
Provisional List of Selected Candidates
Advt. No: NESAC/RMT-JRF/WI-01/2022
Advertisement for the Positions of Junior Research Fellow through Walk-In-Interview
Provisional List of selected candidates
Advt. No: NESAC/RMT-TEMP/01/2021
Advertisement for 01 (one) position of Research Scientist at NESAC
Result dt 26.04.2022
Advt. No: NESAC/RMT-TEMP/01/2021(WI)
Walk-in-Interview for 02 (two) positions of Junior Research Fellow
Result dt 24.12.2021
Advt. No: NESAC/RMT-NJET/03/2021
NESAC JRF Eligibility Test (N-JET)-2021
Download Scorecard dt 04.04.2022

Advt. No: NESAC/CMD/E/244(R)/2024
Annual Maintenance Contract of 1 No’s of 125 kVA DG set and 1 No’s of 380 kVA DG set at Outreach Facility, NESAC, Umiam, Meghalaya
Advt. No: NESAC/CMD/E/244/2023
Annual Maintenance Contract of 1 No’s of 125 kVA DG set and 1 No’s of 380 kVA DG set at Outreach Facility, NESAC, Umiam, Meghalaya
Corrigendum II dt 13.12.2023 ← NEW
Advt. No: NESAC/1644/2023
Procurement of lightning detectors that are compatible with the IITM National lightning detector network
Corrigendum I dt 08.12.2023 ← NEW
Advt. No: NESAC/1631/2023
RF Fencing for 430 MHz Wind Profiler at NESAC premises
Corrigendum II dt 18.12.2023 ← NEW
Advt. No: NESAC/1633/2023
Annual Contract for Providing Manpower Services at NESAC, Umiam for Technical Support Service (TSS)/ Project Support Service (PSS) and Field Assistance (FA)/ Lab Assistance (LA)
Corrigendum I dt 17.10.2023 ← NEW
Geo-Web Services